
Workshops for Community & Individuals


Creativity for Wellbeing:
All workshops and courses include a wellbeing focus as well as incorporating creative skills.
Our programmes are suitable for Social Prescribing. Our facilitators are qualified Level 7 coaches and trained as Mental Health First Aiders.

Creative Writing and Journaling for Wellbeing

A programme of creative workshops combining writing, telling our own story, and coaching techniques. Participants make their own journal using bookmaking techniques and creative techniques to make a personal keepsake. Participants are encouraged to take part in self-coaching exercises that help them develop and build confidence and strength with goals for the future. Using stories and poems they are encouraged to tell their own stories in their journals and support each other as peers. Useful journaling skills such as trackers, gratitude sections future logs and different layouts are learnt as a fun and practical way of managing.
These sessions can include:
Nature Journalling - writing in natural settings to improve wellbeing and mindfulness, decrease anxiety
Writing Personal Recovery Stories - with coaching support
Storytelling for Adults in The Story Cafe - developing Creative Conversations and Connections)
Writing Haikus - capturing the moment, Mindful writing

Creative Crafts for Wellbeing

Sessions looking at making life changes through creativity and creative therapies. This course includes group coaching methods and creative crafts with meaning to aid individuals in making changes in their own lives. Each session includes some group coaching and goal setting alongside a creative activity that produces something of significance to an individual moving forward.

Examples of this have included:

  • Producing a progress scrapbook around the story of what is important to an individual in their lives and where they want to be in the future – (This can be run as an individual session or a 4-week course)
  • Creating a life shield identifying hopes and fears important people and goals
  • Making a dream catcher – identifying what holds us back and our fears.
  • Making a protective amulet or bracelet – positive thinking and relaxation techniques
  • Making a time wand or capsule – Letting go of the past and fears and setting positive goals and actions.
  • Handmade cosmetics session including aromatherapy techniques – creating a positive environment and identifying our values.
  • Photography session – Moving forward not backwards.
  • Zen Doodles - improving focus

    Strive – Confidence and Wellbeing course.

    This 6 - 10-week course helps participants explore and set personal goals around gaining confidence in the areas that are important to them. The course also looks at the link between confidence and wellbeing and uses the Five Ways to Wellbeing and many self-assessment tools for individuals to assess their own confidence and action plan to a more confident and positive future.

    • Course introduction, what areas of our life do we want to be more confident in The Shield of Life and Life Audit. Initial Goal Setting
    • Exploring the five ways to wellbeing, Self-esteem, self-confidence and motivation, positive thinking, and positive affirmation, learning how to relax.
    • Assertiveness, goal review, group coaching exercises
    • Dealing with Fear, exploring self-limiting beliefs and what holds us back.
    • Dealing with stress and problem solving how far have we come.
    • What’s the plan – putting things into action moving forward. Realistic goal setting and support moving forward.

    Grow – Mental health self-management and recovery course.

    This 6-1- week course looks at how people can proactively manage their own mental health issues and looks at other ways of thinking and support that they might want to tap into to do this. Sessions include.

    • What are my current barriers, sources of support and in what areas do I want to grow?
    • Anxiety – pushing through anxiety tips tricks and personal planning.
    • Self-Care
    • Healthy routines
    • Self-kindness and resilience
    • Talking mood and depression
    • Problem solving and sources of support.
    • In search of happiness – what is it and what is it to you – how can you be happier with your life.
    • Living the life you want – identifying values and what’s important to you.
    • Goal setting and moving forward.